
You don’t need to know ZK to use ZKaptcha! Think of us as a smart contract captcha service.



ZKaptcha uses zero-knowledge proofs to protect smart contracts from bots and spam! We make this possible by making captchas compatible with on-chain logic. We allow users to show proof of personhood through proof of human work. Prevent bots from scalping NFT mints, farming web3 game assets, spamming content on DeSo, and gaming airdrops.

We are an early-stage startup working hard to keep improving our product and address the biggest need for anti-bot in web3. We need your input to help us navigate what the dev experience is like and where in your projects ZKaptcha can shine.

1. Ask for help.

2. Tell us which features you’d like to see.

3. Let us know what can be better!

We’ll be on-call all weekend so please reach out to us at any time. We’ll be in person at the hackathon Saturday and Sunday so please come find Andrew (telegram: @gama266) or Ketan (telegram: @jketan) and we’ll work through any ideas you have or any issues you run into!

What we’re looking for

Specific Ideas